Imported Fire Ant

The red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta),
is an introduced species from South America. It is well known for its
aggressive nature when disturbed. It can inflict a painful sting
causing a burning sensation, hence the name "fire" ant. Red
imported fire ants (RIFA) can harm people and native wildlife, cause damage
to buildings and electrical equipment, as well as interfere with harvesting
and maintenance of pastures and crops.
Red imported fire ants live in colonies that contain cream-colored to
white immature ants, often called brood. The brood is comprised of the eggs,
larvae, and pupae. Also within the colonies are adult ants of different
types, or castes. The castes include winged males, winged females (which are
unmated queens), workers of varying size, and one or more mated queens. The
winged males and females fly from nests, usually in the spring and early
summer, to mate in flight. Upon landing, mated females will shed their wings
after finding a suitable nesting site. All the males die after mating. While
thousands of winged males and females can be produced per year in large
colonies, they do not sting, and fewer than 10% of the females will survive
to produce a colony. Newly-mated queens can fly as far as 12 miles from the
nest (or even farther in the wind), but most land within a mile.
New colonies do not make conspicuous mounds for several months. Once a
colony is established, a single queen can lay over 2,000 eggs per day.
Depending on temperature, it can take 20 to 45 days for an egg to develop
into an adult worker. Workers can live as long as 9 months at 75°F, but life
spans usually are between 1 and 6 months under warmer outdoor conditions.
Queens live an average of 6 to 7 years.
Fire ants are omnivorous feeders, feeding on carbohydrates (e.g.
honeydew, plant exudates, sugars, syrups), proteins (e.g. insects, meats),
and lipids (e.g. grease, lard, oils from seeds). Their food preferences
change depending on the nutritional requirements of the colony. In the
spring and summer, when food is abundant, the colony produces new offspring,
and the protein needs of the colony increase. Adult ants require
carbohydrates and/or lipids to sustain themselves throughout the year. Fire
ants are only able to ingest liquids. Solid proteinaceous foods are
liquified by placing them on a depression in front of the mouth of the
oldest larvae (the fourth instar stage), which then regurgitate digestive
enzymes onto the food. Once liquified, the fourth instar larvae suck up the
protein and regurgitate it to the workers, which pass it on to the rest of
the colony.
Workers will forage for food more than 100 feet from the nest. They can
forage during both the day and the night, generally when air temperatures
are between 70° and 90°F. When a large food source is found, fire ants
recruit other workers to help take the food back to the colony. Liquids are
ingested at the food source, and stored within the ants until they are
regurgitated to other ants within the colony. Liquids from solid foods are
extracted at the source, or are carried back as solid particles. Large
solids may be cut into smaller pieces so they can be carried back to the
There are two types of fire ant colonies:
- single-queen, or monogyne, colonies, and
- multiple-queen, or polygyne, colonies.
Single-queen colonies have only one egg-laying queen, and may contain as
many as 100,000 to 240,000 workers. Multiple-queen colonies have many
egg-laying queens (usually 20 to 60), with 100,000 to 500,000 workers.
Single-queen colonies fight with other fire ant colonies. Because of this
antagonistic behavior, colonies are farther apart, resulting in a maximum of
40 to 150 mounds per acre. Multiple-queen colonies generally do not fight
with other multiple-queen colonies. Consequently, mounds are closer
together, and can reach densities of 200 to 800 mounds per acre.
Multiple-queen mounds may also be inconspicuous, often times being clusters
of small, flattened excavations, in contrast to the distinct dome-shaped
mounds of single-queen colonies. Workers from single-queen colonies vary in
size, ranging in length from 1/8 to 1/4 in, and are usually reddish brown to
black in color. Workers of multiple-queen colonies are generally smaller
(1/8 to 3/16 in), have only a few large workers, and are lighter in color (orangish-brown)
than single-queen colony workers.
The large colony sizes, and the presence of numerous queens makes
multiple-queen colonies more difficult to eliminate than single-queen
colonies. Since 1973, multiple-queen colonies have been found in eight of
the 11 fire ant infested states, including Florida. Multiple-queen colonies
produce fewer winged, or alate, queens that will start new colonies after a
mating flight than single-queen colonies. However, multiple-queen colonies
can establish new colonies by budding, where a portion of the queens and
workers splits off from a colony.
The spread of fire ants into new areas depends on many factors, such as
climate, surrounding fire ant populations, and the native predators and
competitors in the areas. Areas with an abundance of natural enemies and
competing ant species may hinder colony establishment because the enemies
prey upon newly-mated queens and compete for resources. However, if an area
is disturbed, for example, by clearing land for pastures or urban
development, natural enemies or competitors may be adversely affected and
fire ants may colonize the area more rapidly.
It may take as long as 11 years for single-queen fire ant colonies to
become the dominant ant species in a new area which has been disturbed by
urbanization, and has not been treated with insecticides to control ants.
Multiple-queen colonies may become dominant in new areas at a slower rate
because they spread more by budding than by establishing numerous new
colonies scattered throughout an area after mating flights.
In areas where native ants and fire ant populations have been reduced or
eliminated with insecticides, reinfestation by fire ants may be noticeable
within a month after treatment. Fire ants reinfest these areas more rapidly
and outcompete other ant species because of their tremendous reproductive
capacity and faster colony development. If fire ant control is not
maintained, the subsequent reinfestation of an area may result in even
greater fire ant populations than existed before the application of
The RIFA build mounds in a variety of soil types but seem to prefer open,
sunny areas. Mounds can reach 18 inches in height. They can also
establish colonies in rotting logs, around stumps and trees, and in or under
The average colony contains up to 500,000 workers,
several hundred winged ants and one or more queens. The ants can vary
in size from around 1/8" to 1/4" in length (see picture below).
Worker ants are wingless, sterile females. They care
for the queen and brood, forage for food, and protect the colony from
The winged ants are reproductives and live in the mound until
their mating flight. Mating flights are most common in the spring and
fall, soon after a rainy period. Males die soon after mating,
while the fertilized queen looks for a suitable nesting site. There
she will shed her wings and begin digging a chamber in which to start a new
The new queen lays about a dozen eggs. When they hatch
7 - 10
later, the larvae are fed by the queen. Larvae develop in to pupae in
6 - 10 days. Adults emerge from pupae in 9 - 15 days. Later,
when the queen is cared for by the workers she can lay up to 800 eggs a day.
The queen can live seven years or more while the workers usually live about
five weeks.
These ants were first introduced to the United States
in approximately 1930 in the state of Alabama. The red imported fire
ant is now established over much of the Southeast. All counties in
Alabama, Florida and Louisiana are infested. Counties in Arkansas,
Georgia, Mississippi, Oklahoma, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee,
and Texas plus Puerto Rico have been invaded. Isolated colonies have been
found as far west as California, and as far north as Kansas City, Missouri.
RIFA were officially detected in Los Angeles and Orange
Counties in November of 1998. It is believed that they have been present
since at least 1996. The ants are expected to colonize irrigated
agricultural areas and lawns throughout California.
U.S. |
Health Risk
Fire ants are aggressive and will
defensively attack anything that disturbs them. They can sting
repeatedly. After firmly grasping the skin with its jaws, the fire ant
arches its back as it inserts its stinger into the skin, injecting venom.
It then typically inflicts an average of seven to eight stings in a circular
Symptoms of a sting include burning and itching, which
usually subsides within 60 minutes. This is followed by the formation
of a small blister at the site of each sting within a few hours. In
addition, a white pustule forms at the sting sites in a day or two.
Infection can occur if the pustule is scratched or broken.
Although the stings are not usually life threatening, they
are easily infected and may leave permanent scars. On rare occasions,
anaphylaxis (a generalized, systemic allergic reaction to the stings)
can occur, and may be life threatening. It usually occurs in persons
sensitized by a previous sting. Signs of anaphylaxis may include
flushing, general hives, swelling of the face, eyes, or throat, chest pains,
nausea, severe sweating, loss of breath or slurred speech. If this
occurs, the person should immediately seek emergency medical assistance!
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